About Achhua
Achhua is a village in Dulhin Bazar Mandal, Patna. In this village there are about 5 colonies (Chakiya, Mathani, Dhibara, Purub-bhar and Uttar-bhar) and all these colonies comes under the Achhua Grampanchayat. Total population of this village is around 2000.
Achhua is situated 45 km away from city Patna. The occupation of the village is agriculture. The main cultivation in this village is Paddy, wheat, many kind of pulses and vegitables.
This village has a lower school, a high school, a college and a hospital. Devithan Temple in the village is very famous. Villagers participate in many Prayers that are offered in the temple daily, and for the villagers this is a holy plave and very nice place to spend the time peacefully and joyfully..
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ReplyDeleteThis is fantastic pic.. U have really nice artistic view..u captured it by very nice angle and composition.. liked it very much :)